Thursday, December 22, 2011

Halloween 2011: Simplicity

Well I finally had time to upload the best Images, life got major hectic... 
Got a nice nod from Eric Lowther for my review of Haunted Overload, which was more than a little awesome... worked like mad on a project that didn't get me anywhere... (woot! Failure!) and knocked out finals... so yeah... 
And now there is Holiday. 
Joy to the world.... my time is screwed... 
I really need a mocktail!
Maybe one with an umbrella... definitely an umbrella... 
Okay I'l stop now... okay I'll stop now... 
anyway... How are you? 
Lets get on with the pictures... yes?

All Images by Strublay
Ankle Biter



Colossus, Monster, Ankle Biter

Colossus, Monster, Ankle Biter, Squished

Monster and Colossus

Fun Fact: Monsters rind was so intensely thick, that I actually HAD to use a power drill to carve him. The Drill Bits got stuck about three times.... 
Furthermore... He hasn't rotted yet... 
He lives on, a shell of his former glory. Cracked and bleached from months out in the waning Vegas sun...
Monsters Skull is sitting on my porch, along with the Holiday lights. 
Photo Shoot coming soon.
I hope I can keep him forever.

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